Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Happy February Birthdays

I made this for Facebook. Facebook has the jpg version. This is a png file.

You're free to use it but if you do encourage people to visit and follow me her or visit my red bubble page?

I've left space at the bottom for adding names or events.

Friday, 25 January 2013

Metallic Mistral

Now don't go ugh Mistral Fake Handwriting!

Think of the the challenge and Joy of finding a use for those curved letters?

copyright julie vaux 2013 

Try the Enamel Jewellery filter on other fonts!

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Friday, 18 January 2013

Birthday E-card Freebie

Several Facebook Friends had January birthdays so I made them this e-card.

Enjoy using it too!

Monday, 14 January 2013

RED 100 percent oz

copyright julie vaux 2013

I've created a red 100 percent oz for asutralia day 2013

you can get this on clothing from

Saturday, 12 January 2013

New Aqua 100 percent OZ design

This is my new Aqua 100 OZ design for  Red Bubble

Copyright Julie Vaux 2013

Its available on a variety of types of teeshirts and a sticker too.

Thursday, 10 January 2013

Another Uncial Sample

Another sample of ways to use UNCIAL FONTS.

I added multiple layers of drop shadows and merged them to create the broken effect with the drop shadow color set to a very dark gray and each progressive layer slighter less opaque and wider.

Monday, 7 January 2013

Saturday, 5 January 2013

Two Uncial Fonts

#uncial #font #americanuncial #irishuncial #typography 

There are four or five letters people seem to have particular trouble distinguishing in Uncial. I've contrasted their letter shapes in two popular fonts for you to study.
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