Saturday, 5 September 2020


 One of the many reasons we should support #savemongolianlanguage is the diverse responses Mongolians calligraphers and scholars have made over the centuries to continue to found and develop the best forms of script to represent Mongolian a Ural-Altaic language.

Yes that many! Modified Tibetan and Old Uighur! Square styles. Cursive styles. Using Cyrillic or European alphabets. But always experimenting to change letter forms to match Mongolian not change Mongolian to match other scripts. Or force instruction in other languages. 

One scribe even created Galik an script variant designed to be able to use Mongolian letters to write Mongolian, Sanskrit, Tibetan and Chinese! 

Perhaps Chinese education bureacrats should consider teaching Mongolian script to local Han settlers ?

Mongolian is also unique in being the only vertical script that unlike Hangul, kana, or Sinitic characters, runs top to bottom and left to right. 

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