TV and other media sometimes gives the false impression one can whip up a design and finish it in a matter of minutes or hours never days or weeks.
Well yes sometimes one can be on a roll and get a design to finishing point in one day but I always try to leave the design for a day or two and come back and take one last look and THEN look at it on a number of browsers and sites.
Sometimes it looks great in Inkscape or Gimp but once I upload at a smaller or larger size to Facebook Google Plus or Twitter ro Red Bubble or CafePress or Deviant it looks different.
This series was inspired by 1 Corinthians 13 :13
Copyright Julie Vaux 2013 |
Looks great expect for the little problem of the uncial t touching the i and making faith look like fath or fach on a small PR sized thumbnail
other alternatives I considered for this
Copyright Julie Vaux 2013
I may yet use this but on dark colored tee shirts only.
and this is me playing with filter combos
Copyright Julie Vaux 2013
Would work as a print on paper or an album or book cover but fabric ?
So finally I tweaked the letter spacing on the first design.
Hopefully it will now work at ALL sizes!
Copyright Julie Vaux 2013 |
I've probably over emphasized the initial L but if it draws your eye to the rest of the lettering ...?
This will be up on
Voxy Visions